UNSW ELSOC Presents: 2023 Annual General Meeting
Thu, 28 Sept
|EE G23

Time & Location
28 Sept 2023, 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
EE G23, Kensington NSW 2052, Australia
About the event
Once in a blue moon (annually) UNSW ELSOC holds an annual general meeting. This year, our annual general meeting is being held on the 28th September 2023 which is Week 3 Thursday of Term 3 at EE G23. All ELSOC members are invited to vote for the executive board for 2024. To vote in this election, you must be a valid member of ELSOC, meaning that you are currently undertaking a degree within the Electrical and Telecommunications Engineering faculty and have registered with us on Sparc.
For 2024, we will be keeping the same structure as before. The roles for the executive team are as follows: - President
- Vice President - Secretary + Treasurer - Human Resources Executive - Academics Executive - Workshops Executive - Industry Executive - Public Relations Executive - Creatives Executive - Socials Executive To learn more about the roles and their responsibilities, see the following document:
Nominations for these positions are open till Thursday 21st of September 11:59 PM. To be eligible for these roles, you must be a member of ELSOC and registered with us on SpArc Sign up to SpArc here:
https://member.arc.unsw.edu.au/s/clubs Apply here to nominate yourself for a role:
AGENDA 1. Welcome 2. President’s Report 3. Treasurer’s Report 4. 2024 Executives Election 5. Business Without Notice
EVENT DETAILS DATE : Thursday Wk 3 (28/09/23) TIME : 6:00 PM LOCATION : EE G23 / MS Teams (link to be provided soon)